
Helping you hone your craft



"Leading people is hard. How can I grow my toolkit?"

Experience and gut feel are important to leadership, but not everyone has that (yet). Coaching is a great tool to helping you define your leadership style, overcome challenges, and have someone work through the hard things with you.

The majority of my career has been spent in healthcare, and so I’ve been able to see the gamut of human experience. Whether or not you also work in healthcare, personalities make a huge difference and can affect how you do your work. Let me leverage what I’ve learned to help you.

Career Planning

“I don’t know how to drive my career forward.”

We spent a lot of time at work. Enjoying your work, finding meaning in it, and feeling like there’s a forward path is an important part of a meaningful career. We can work through how to get your career where you want it to go.

Ready to have a free discovery call? Email me at to get started.